Advertise Your Business With Us

Most of the sections on the website can be used to advertise your business or service as long as it fits in with our ethos and is related to Hurghada tourism.

Just message for details.



 About Advertising

If you have a business that is based in Hurghada or has links to the travel/leisure industry and wish to advertise on the website you can contact Stuart anytime on +44 (0) 7950504683 to discuss your requirements.

We charge a lot less than most other websites for this service and we are very flexible on how long you can advertise for so for as little as £10 per month you could have your business shown to 1000’s of new customers.

We promote the website extensively in the UK and Europe both via Google and via a large number of social media platforms both in Egypt and in the UK and Europe.

We have an extensive client base and already have a large number of links with companies based in Hurghada.




Get a Website for your Business

Call or WhatsApp Chris


or visit

Mention “Aqua Apartment Rentals” when you contact to recieve a 10% discount!

Resort Gallery

Rent An Apartment